Year of foundation: 2009
Talitha Kum Philippines formerly APWRATH (Asia-Pacific Women Religious AgainstTrafficking in Humans)this was initiated by the late Sr. Estrella Castellone, a Salesian sister, in 2007. Sr. Estrella was then the Co-Executive Secretary of the Association ofMajor Religious Superiors in the Philippines (AMRSP) and she worked togetherwith Sr. Flolyn Catungal, OSA, who was back then the Executive Coordinator of the Office of Women and Gender, a mission partner of AMRSP.
Mission: To empower, organize and mobilize Consecrated persons in the Philippinesto respond to and counter human trafficking, and modern-day slavery, especially ofwomen and children.Goal: • To strengthen the network with the major religious superiors throughout the region to prioritize the issue of trafficking in humans. • To raise the people’s consciousness of the need to reaffirm and maintain their values, dignity and roles according to the spirit of the Gospel. • To empower, organize and mobilize the women religious in the Philippines to respond and counter human trafficking, especially of women and children.
ENG_The_impact_of_COVID19_on_human_trafficking_Ha62hnA_WEXFO15.pdf (talithakum.info)

South East Asia Coordinator of Talitha Kum

Asia Coordinator of Talitha Kum

Asia Coordinator of Talitha Kum

Talitha Kum Philippines Coordinator

Talitha Kum Philippines Coordinator

Talitha Kum Philippines Coordinator
The Pastoral Orientation on Human Trafficking is TKP’s springboard to take the vital work against human trafficking and modern-day slavery to a higher notch — from education/awareness trainings on HT (human trafficking) to a more systematic level of making the justice system work through evidence- based data gathering, reporting and referrals and optimizing the presence of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation arms of religious congregations, in Asia, and other networks to end trafficking.