The CMSP will be acknowledged as a reliable and consistent witness of God’s mercy and compassion in living joyfully and authentically our vowed life.

We, the Major Superiors in the Philippines, bound together by our life of consecration and ministry of servant leadership, harmonize our distinctive and diversed charisms of our religious and secular institutes for collective witnessing and prophetic action for the building- up of the Body of Christ.

1. To create more responsive, effective, efficient, and systematic structures and programs that enrich mutual growth and development towards fullness of life among the members and the people we serve.
2. To accompany and work with the poor and the marginalized as they  reclaim their dignity so that we become partners in the work of  transformation.
3. To foster the spirit of greater openness, cooperation and collaboration among consecrated persons in the Philippines in our common task of Evangelization and in  strengthening a Synodal Church.

50th year of AMRSP

The two associations that make up AMRSP - the Association of Major Religious Superiors of Men in the Philippines (AMRSMP) and the Association of Major Religious Superiors of Women in the Philippines (AMRWSP) - were founded in 1955 at the instance of the Pope Pius XII, who envisioned the creation of conferences of Major Superiors in order to coordinate mutual concerns and to provide a forum for shared resources, both human and financial. Based on the original statutes of the Associations, all major (or highest) superiors of institutes of consecrated life of active apostolate are automatically considered a member. The shared apostolates, ministries, and activities eventually spilled over not only within the individual associations, but also, between the two. In due time, the Executive Boards of the two associations decided to meet once a year to discuss mutual concerns. In 1970, immediately after the first meeting of Asian Bishops (which gave birth to the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences), and the visit of Saint Paul VI, the superiors of religious men and women convened in Mirador Hill in Baguio City from November 30 to December 5, 1970. In this first joint convention, both associations decided to establish a joint secretariat. This would later become what is known now as the AMRSP.







Political fireworks have erupted between the BBM and Duterte camps. Triggered by the people’s initiative for charter change, the lines have been drawn with the BBM camp pushing for it and the Duterte camp declaring its all-out opposition.


Both camps have traded insults accusing each other of drug use. The Duterte camp has gone as far as to call for the resignation of the sitting president. Former president Rodrigo Duterte has warned that BongBong Marcos can suffer the same fate as his father and be ousted.



Declare a Climate Emergency NOW! Pass the Rights of Nature Bill NOW!

CMSP hereby declares a CLIMATE EMERGENCY 

CMSP is committed to take immediate and significant steps to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the decrease of global warming. We pledge to take the following steps: 

  1. We prioritize the use of renewable energy sources in all of our operations and activities in order to reduce our carbon footprint not later than 2030;
  2. We embrace and promote “Sapat Lifestyle” practices in all aspects of our work, including waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable transportation; and,
  3. We continue to advocate for policy reforms that address prevalent environmental issues, push for climate action, and support a just transition towards a low-carbon economy by supporting the Rights of Nature Bill and other Green Bills. 

Statement of Solidarity for the Rural Missionaries in the Philippines (RMP)

In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us,

to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,

and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:67-79)


Season of Creation


Protect the Verde Island Passage (VIP)!

Let me repeat: “In the name of God, I ask the great extractive industries – mining, oil, forestry, real estate, agribusiness – to stop destroying forests, wetlands, and mountains, to stop polluting rivers and seas, to stop poisoning food and people”. 👉 Pope Francis, Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Sept. 1, 2022

Photo Credit:

Fellowship for the Care of Creation Association Inc. - FCCAI


For the Passage Rights of Nature Bill and Building a Sapat Lifestyle Movement

Sampuso, Sandiwa para sa Sangnilikha – 4 October 2020, Season of Creation