February 01, 2024 | Thursday
Political fireworks have erupted between the BBM and Duterte camps. Triggered by the people’s initiative for charter change, the lines have been drawn with the BBM camp pushing for it and the Duterte camp declaring its all-out opposition.
Both camps have traded insults accusing each other of drug use. The Duterte camp has gone as far as to call for the resignation of the sitting president. Former president Rodrigo Duterte has warned that BongBong Marcos can suffer the same fate as his father and be ousted.
The International Criminal Court case has also set the showdown of the Marcoses and Dutertes with the former perceived as open to it up to the arrests of the accused (which includes not only Rodrigo Duterte and Bato dela Rosa but may implicate his daughter and their political lackey Bong Go). The threat of arrest has become a matter of political survival for the Dutertes. The possible inclusion of Sara Duterte in the ICC case bodes ill for her presidential ambition. This may also impact the Duterte dynasty as the sons’ pale in comparison to the charisma of the father and daughter.
But where are the suffering poor in all these? Will they benefit from charter change or the victory of one political clan over the other?
Thirty-eight years after the fall of the Marcos dictatorship and seven administrations after, the lives and well-being of majority of our people remain unchanged – poor, struggling, living between hope and despair, between quiet submission and resistance.
The sudden move to change the charter is pregnant with suspicion – to perpetuate themselves in power, to allow more foreign control of our economy, to thwart the ambition of the Duterte’s in 2028, etc.
None of it springs forth from a genuine desire to serve our people – the unemployed and underemployed, the lowly-paid working class, the dispossessed peasants, the marginalized indigenous peoples, the women, youth, and children.
The 1987 constitution guarantees the non-repetition of dictatorship. It ensures the smooth transition of power from one administration to another with clear term limits.
The 1987 constitution guarantees Filipino control of our resources.
The 1987 constitution enshrines human rights.
The 1987 constitution asserts peace as the path.
Politicians since 1987 have refused to enact an anti-political dynasty law since patronage is deeply embedded in all the regions of the country. Not contented with six (senators) and three-year terms with a maximum of two re-elections, they now wish to perpetuate themselves in power without any term limits.
The proposed shift to parliamentary form of government does not serve to break up the political dynasties, it feeds its further growth and entrenchment.
Grinding poverty, lack of opportunities, rising debt, typhoons and floods, horrendous traffic, pollution, mining, dams, fossil fuels, low wages, dwindling purchasing power, attacks on human rights defenders, red tagging are the raging issues of the people.
These are the concerns that need the most urgent attention by our leaders.
We urge our leaders to think of the people’s needs! We urge them to find meaningful solutions to these needs!
As mission partners, we serve the least, the last and the lost. We implore our leaders to go beyond their narrow interests and think of the greater good. The greater good is to serve our suffering people. To serve our suffering people is to serve our Lord Savior!
Ibasura ang ChaCha! Itabi muna ang pulitika!
Mamamayan Muna Hindi Chacha!
Ang kapakanan ng ating bayan hindi ng iilan!
Urban Missionaries
01 February 2024