We, the members of the ASSOCIATION OF MAJOR RELIGIOUS SUPERIORS IN THE PHILIPPINES (AMRSP), moved by the signs of the times, are called to be joyful and prophetic witnesses of God’s mercy and compassion. As leaders among our brothers and sisters, we participate in the prophetic task of proclaiming the coming of the Lord, the Kingdom to be fulfilled, the “new heavens and the new earth.” (2 Pt 3:13)
We find ourselves immersed in the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us. We see that the message of Jesus on mercy and compassion, breaks forth into the different settings of our ministries. Our charisms and apostolates, albeit diverse, converge on common ground: on human rights and human dignity, on issues of violence and peacebuilding, on integral ecology, and on politics. Gathered together as leaders of consecrated men and women, we have looked at the various situations of our country; gathered together, we also express our frustration, sadness and anger over the continued extrajudicial killings and the violence and terrorism in Marawi. We strongly denounce these and we question the necessity of the continued state of Martial Law. As we survey these situations where we find ourselves and as we voice our indignation, we are also moved by compassion towards prayerful reflection as we look at the challenges of the present times from the eyes of the victims.
In the face of these, we commit ourselves to the following:
* be in solidarity with victims of human rights violations and their families, especially the victims of Extrajudicial Killings and the Marawi conflict, by providing legal, spiritual, psycho-social and economic assistance;
* raise the consciousness on the issue of martial law and its implications.
* raise the consciousness on ecological concerns and readiness of communities to respond to disasters through educational programs, and organize assistance in times of disaster;
* support initiatives for urgent action to save Mother Earth, our common home.
* lobby on particular issues related to human rights and human dignity, peace, and social justice; and organize and subsidize formation programs on political issues for religious communities and their constituents.
Among ourselves, men and women religious, and our mission partners, we find it opportune to bring together our gifts and resources in the aspect of the formation of our members. Thus, we commit ourselves to the following:
* collaborate with the programs of the local church where we work, especially during the current Year of the Parish, as “Communion of Communities”, and the year ahead, the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons;
* share common resources on formation programs for our formands, our members and formators, and intensify and facilitate programs for immersion in Mindanao for our leaders and members;
* institute programs for renewal in spirituality of our members with special emphasis on eco-spirituality and promotion of human rights and human dignity;
* create a directory of resource persons (e.g., on formation work, spiritual direction, para-legal and psycho-social interventions, political education, disaster risk reduction and management, etc.) and foster inter-congregational collaboration on these areas.
We make these commitments in hope and in the conviction that our prophetic voice consists, not in passive waiting, but in acts replete with God-given responsibilities, to be transformational leaders and transformed people. We echo the prayer of Pope Francis as he introduced the special Jubilee Year of Mercy: “Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old” (Ps 25:6 as quoted from Misericordiae Vultus, 25).
With joy, we bring this statement to our members and to the people entrusted to us.
Given on July 14, 2017 at the Carmelite Missionaries Center of Spirituality, Tagaytay City