“To speak a word of truth is to transform the world”. – Paolo Freire
The task of the peacemaker is to speak the truth, whether our culture wants to hear it or not.
The pursuit of truth is ultimately the pursuit of God. – J. Dear
We, women religious, gathered for our 2008 Biennial Convention on June 23-26, 2008 at the Capuchin Retreat Center – Lipa City, Batangas. We have passionately studied the Biblical foundation of truth, deeply reflected and fervently prayed these past three days.
We have become aware of the crisis of truth in ourselves, in our communities, in the Church and in society.
Today corruption and the web of lies and deceit engulf not only our civil and ecclesial leaders but the whole of society as well.
We hear of scam after scam, of crisis after crisis – rice, oil, fertilizer, NBN-ZTE scam, etc. Vote-buying, vote-padding, ballot snatching and other corrupt practices are common to election.
The desecration of the integrity of Creation with large-scale mining, forest denudation and other destructive activities continue unfettered.
We realize that we cannot turn a blind eye nor shut our ears nor harden our hearts to this situation of untruth. Our prophetic calling demands our commitment to truth.
We are convinced that to be true and loyal to the teachings of the Gospel requires humility, personal sacrifice and selfless service.
We confess to our own shortcomings and limitations in living out our authentic religious life and service to the poor.
We denounce the social system that creates, perpetuates and reinforces corruption and deceit and its dire effects on the people. We decry the machinations to keep our people in perpetual bondage. We detest the hand that wields the power and the privilege that causes the abominable misery of our people.
We commit ourselves to an authentic consecrated life by a lifestyle that is simple, transparent, courageous and consistent.
We feel the hand of God in the struggles of our people for truth, freedom, justice, peace and life. We hear the Holy Spirit calling and guiding us to be witnesses to the truth and become servants of the poor and downtrodden through our communities and different ministries.
With renewed courage and hope, we resolve to:
- Make a statement of moral judgment on the issue of corruption
- Continue the information/education campaign and mobilization for truth
- Strengthen networking and linkages with other groups and individuals working for truth and accountability
- Strengthen and further develop the AMRSP’s Sanctuary Program
- Work for the repeal of RA 7942 (Mining Act)
We are called to be the voice of the voiceless, to be companions of the violated, to be living witnesses to truth, justice and peace.
Participants in the AMRSWP Biennial Convention 2008
June 26, 2008
Capuchin Retreat Center – Lipa City, Batangas